Exporting resources

You can export one or more resource types from SPE through the Trading Partner UI.

In some situations, such as running test cases, you might want to export different resource types at the same time.

Restriction: Exporting a large number of resources, whether they are the same type or different types, can surpass the limit of your available server memory, causing an error. The export might appear successful, since an export file and a report file are still generated. Check the report file to verify that the export is successful.

For information on memory management in Liberty, see the WebSphere Application Server Network Deployment Knowledge Center at http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSAW57/mapfiles/product_welcome_wasnd.html?lang=en.

The Message Troubleshooting Tips at http://www-01.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSAW57/mapfiles/product_welcome_wasnd.html?lang=en contain information on out of server errors.

  1. From the Trading Partner UI, click Resource Manager > Export.
  2. Under Types to Export, select one or more resource types:
    • Code lists
    • Control numbers
    • Envelopes
    • Maps
    • Schemas
    • Rules (configurable business rules)
  3. Under Export Filters, apply filters if needed.
    Filter restriction: The Sender Id and Receiver Id filters apply to envelopes only.
  4. From the Selection page for each resource, use the arrows to select available resources to export.
  5. Review your choices.

    The Outcome page is displayed. The Export File name, Export Report file name, and their sizes are listed.

  6. Click the report file name to open or save the file.