Moving and copying objects

You can move and copy the following objects within the Type Designer by using the drag-and-drop method:

  • Types (within the same tree)

    When you drag a type from one tree to another, it is copied to the other tree because it is copied from one type tree file to another.

  • Components (from one view to another)
  • Restrictions (from one view to another)

    Duplicate restrictions are not permitted.

When you move or copy a type using the drag-and-drop method, the entire subtree of the type is also moved or copied. The properties, components, component rules, and restrictions are also copied.

If a type cannot be a subtype of the type you are dragging it to, you will not be able to drag it. For example, you cannot move an item under a group.

Note: You cannot place a type under another type if it cannot be a valid subtype.