SET is a modification operation used to set the value of one or more variables. When setting a value, the SNMP manager issues a SET request and forwards it to the SNMP Agent. The SET operation is used to configure and control the managed system.

When a SET request is issued to the SNMP Agent to change the state of a variable, the agent makes the change in the MIB and sends a GET response back to the SNMP manager with the updated state of the variable. Another indicator, error status, informs the SNMP manager if the change was successful.

For example, to start, stop, pause, or resume the Launcher, a SET request is issued by the SNMP Manager, the SNMP Agent modifies the MIB variable and then sends a GET response back to the SNMP Manager with the updated state of the variable. The request to change the state of the Launcher is not executed until this GET response is received.

The error status codes included in response to a SET request are listed below.

Error Code
SET was successful
SET specified nonexistent variable
SET specified invalid value or syntax
SNMP manager tried to modify read-only variable