Special characters in type names

Some characters used in column names are not valid within type names. The Database Interface Designer replaces these characters when it creates the type name for the column. If you create a type tree without using the Database Interface Designer or mtsmaker, you need to replace these characters in the type name.

Again, if you use the Database Interface Designer, these conversions are automatically performed. If you use mtsmaker, you must manually convert these characters.

Invalid Character(s) Conversion to Type Name
space or hyphen (-) example: My Column Name replaced with underscore (_) becomes: My_Column_Name
punctuation (other than ~ # % \ ` ? _) example: ^^Total^Amount replaced with pound sign (#) becomes: ##Total#Amount
digit (as first character of column name) example: 1st-Game-of-2 prefixed with pound sign (#) becomes: #1st_Game_of_2