Enable IMS Support
If the PL/I source file that you use in your application is for an IMS application, you need to select Enable IMS Support in the PL/I importer preferences.
Once you select Enable IMS Support, the PL/I importer converts 4 bytes LL field to 2 bytes. The conversion is necessary for the following reason: An IMS PL/I application using the PLITDLI interface defines the length field as 4 bytes. IMS requires any input message coming from the client to have a field length of 2 bytes. Therefore, when a message is passed to IMS Transaction Manager to invoke the IMS PL/I application, IMS Transaction Manager edits the message and changes the 2 bytes length field to 4 bytes before passing it to the PL/I application. Therefore, when the application generates a type tree from the imported PL/I source, the original 4 bytes LL field must be converted to 2 bytes to pass the message to IMS. The PL/I importer recognizes the length field for conversion if the name of the field is LL, the field is declared as FIXED BIN(31), and it is the first field of the IMS message structure.