Management Console command line syntax

Use the Management Console options to create the Launcher definitions and firewall and override configurations. Each launcher definition establishes a connection to one Launcher service.

Use the mgmtconsole.bat command in a Microsoft Windows environment and the command in a UNIX" environment.

To display the Management Console graphical interface, invoke the command without any parameters. To display help for the command line options, invoke the command with the -help option.

{mgmtconsole.bat |}
  [-list [launchers | options | all]]
  [-add name:launcher_name;host:host_name;port:port;login:login_name;password:pwd;interval:refresh_interval]
  [-delete launcher_name]
  [-override name:launcher_name;oc:{enable | disable};host:host_name;sp:status_port; 
  [–firewall fc:{enable | disable};fp:firewall_port]
  [-import  properties_file]
  [-export  properties_file]
-list [launchers | options | all]
Displays the specified options that are configured in the mgmtconsole.bin file. If you invoke -list without any other options, it is equivalent to the -list all command.
Displays the following Launcher information that is configured in the mgmtconsole.bin file:
  • Launcher name
  • Host name
  • Port
  • Refresh interval
  • Login and password
Displays the Override Configuration and Firewall options that are configured in the mgmtconsole.bin file.
Displays all of the Launcher information that is configured in the mgmtconsole.bin file.
Adds the specified Launcher definition to the mgmtconsole.bin file. If the Launcher definition already exists, updates the definition.
Specifies the name of the Launcher service that is to be added.
Specifies the Launcher service host name or IP address that is to be added to the mgmtconsole.bin file. The IP address can be in either IPv4 format or IPv6 format.
Specifies the login name for the Launcher service to be added mgmtconsole.bin file. The login name is the name that the Management Console uses to connect to the Launcher service.
Specifies the port on which the Launcher service is to listen. The default port is 5015.
Specifies the time interval, in seconds, that is used to refresh the system statistics that are displayed by the Management Console. The default refresh interval is five seconds.
-delete launcher_name
Deletes the specified Launcher from the list of Launcher definitions in mgmtconsole.bin.
Overrides the Launcher service that is defined in the Management Console and enables a direct connection to the specified Launcher.
Specifies the name of the Launcher service that is to be overridden.
oc:{enable | disable}
Enables or disables the override configuration for the launcher definition.
Specifies the IP address or host name of the computer where the Launcher is running. The default host name is localhost.
Specifies the numeric control port of a Launcher that is running on a z/OS® operating system. The default control port is 7002.
Specifies the numeric status port of a Launcher that is running on a z/OS operating system. The default status port is 7000.
–firewall fc:{enable | disable};fp:firewall_port
Enables or disables a firewall configuration for the Management Console and specifies a client port to be used by a Management Console that is behind the firewall.
-import properties_file
Specifies an XML file that contains properties to be imported to the mgmtconsole.bin file. If the mgmtconsole.bin file exists, the existing properties are updated and saved. If the mgmtconsole.bin file does not exist, a new mgmtconsole.bin file is created with the properties from the XML file.
-export properties_file
Creates an XML properties file that is compliant with the MgmtConsole.xsd schema file. You can create multiple properties files to use in different environments.