Launcher command line syntax

You can use the command line to control the Launcher and get system status. You can also set trace and logging options as well as stop, start, pause, resume, and detect the status of a system.

Use the launcher.bat command in a Microsoft Windows environment and the command in a UNIX environment.

In a Microsoft Windows environment, the Launcher runs as a service. You use Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services to stop, start, pause, and resume the Launcher.

Supported options in a Microsoft Windows environment:

  [-status launchername {systemname | -lsnr listener_name}] 
  [{-summary | –history | –statusinfo | –configuration | –all} [-xml] 
    launchername systemname]
  [{-startsystem | -stopsystem} launchername {systemname | -all}]
  [{-pausesystem | -resumesystem} launchername {systemname | -all}]
  [-settrace launchername systemname systemfilename componentname 
    –trace {default | on | off} 	[-action {create | append}] [-tracefile tracefile_name] ]
  [-setlogging launchername systemname –logtype  {launcher | resmgr | conmgr}  
		–logflags {[to | tx ],[do | dx],[wo | wx],[fo | fx],[io | ix],[eo | ex]}]
  [-list launchername [[-lsnr listener_name] | [systemname [systemfilename [componentname]]]] [-trace] [-logging]]

Supported options in a UNIX environment: 
  [-status launchername {systemname | -lsnr listener_name}] 
  [{-summary | –history | –statusinfo | –configuration | –all} [-xml] launchername systemname]
  [-start [adminpropfile.xml]]
  [-stop [listenerport [hostname]]]
  [-pause [listenerport [timeout [hostname]]]]
  [-resume [listenerport [timeout [hostname]]]] 
  [{-startsystem | -stopsystem} launchername {systemname | -all}]
  [{-pausesystem | -resumesystem} launchername {systemname | -all}]
  [-settrace launchername systemname systemfilename componentname 
    –trace {default | on | off} 	[-action {create | append}] [-tracefile tracefile_name] ]
  [-setlogging launchername systemname –logtype  {launcher | resmgr | conmgr}  
		–logflags {[to | tx ],[do | dx],[wo | wx],[fo | fx],[io | ix],[eo | ex]}]
  [-list launchername [[-lsnr listener_name] | [systemname [systemfilename [componentname]]]] [-trace] [-logging]]