Launcher Administration command line syntax

The Launcher Administration commands configure the Launcher service and the launchers that are created by the Launcher service. You can use Launcher Administration commands to add and remove HTTP Listeners and to configure deployment directories, users and user access rights, listening ports, and Launcher service properties.

Use the Launcher launcheradmin.bat command in a Microsoft Windows environment and the command in a UNIX environment.

On UNIX and z/OS® systems, use quotation marks (" ") to enclose multiple parameters that are delineated by semicolons (;). For example, specify -adduser "user:admin;login:admin;pwd:admin"

To display the Launcher Administration graphical interface, invoke the command without any parameters. To display help for the command line options, invoke the command with the -help option.

{launcheradmin.bat |}
  [-list [general | access | deploydirs | advanced | options | all]] 
  [-manual | -auto]
  [-single | -separate]
  [-lport listening_port]
  [-prange startport:endport]
  [-mrc resource_config_file ]
  [-ini ini_file_path]
  [-firewall {enable | disable}]
  [-fsport server_port ]
  [-fcport client_port]
  [-restart {enable | disable}]
  [-rretry retry_number]
  [-rrtimeout minutes]
  [-addlsnr name:listener_name[;mode:{enabled | disabled}][;httpport:port][;lnchport:port]
    [;httpcert:certificate][;lnchcert:certificate][;loglevel:{none | standard | verbose}]
    [;audit:{enabled | disabled}]
  [-remlsnr name:listener_name]  
  [–addprop property_name:property_value [;property_name:property_value; ...]] 
  [–delprop property_name[;property_name;... ] ]
  [–adduser user:user_name;login:login_name;pwd:password[;access:{[gss|rss],[gpr|rpr],[gm|rm]}] 
  [–deluser user_name ]
  [–addir | –rddir deployment_directory]
  [–eddir deployment_directory -asf system_file
    [-pd {[ini:ini_file];[rm:{local | global}];[mrc:resource_config_file]}] 
    [-pf {[name:name];[desc:description];[ini:ini_file];[rm:{local | global}]; 
      [mrc:mrcfile];[as:{yes | no}]}]
  [–eddir deployment_directory -dsf system_file[;system_file;…]]
  [–eddir deployment_directory -sys system_file {–af | -df} file1[;file2;…]
  [-import properties_file]
  [-export properties_file]