XML input, CSV output or delimited- available properties

This property is available if the input format is XML and the output format is CSV or delimited:

Property available:
  • Input XML XPath - When converting from XML to CSV or delimited, the output will be created from repeating node elements in the XML. The Input XML XPath property is an XPath expression that selects nodes from the XML to be converted to the output. The path can either be an absolute path or some other valid XPath specification. For example, consider this XML:
    			<Name>Janet Gaynor</Name>
    			<Movie>Seventh Heaven</Movie>
    			<Name>Mary Pickford</Name>

    If we want to create CSV or delimited data that contains the Winner nodes the Input XML XPath can be set to:

  • /Winners/Winner – this is an absolute path that navigates to a specific location in the XML
  • //Winner – this XPath expression will find Winner elements anywhere in the XML document