System analysis structure error messages

The following table lists the structure error messages that result from a structural analysis of a system:

Return Code
Map, name1, cannot be a component because system, name2, is distributed.

A distributed system cannot have maps as components.

System, name1, contained in system, name2, must have a server.

Each component of a distributed system must be distributed or have a server assigned (i.e., the server for a component of a distributed server cannot be "None").

System name has unresolved settings that must be resolved - (error).

Unresolved settings must be resolved.

Wildcards are used in map source/target name, but map will be run by Command Server - Map Component name1, Card Name name2 (error).

Wildcards cannot be used in map source or target names if a Command Server will execute the map.

Wildcards are used in directory name that is specified in source/target name - Map Component name1, Card Name name2 (error).

Directories cannot have wildcards in their names.

Wildcards are used in database source name - Map Component name1, Card Name name2 (error).

A database source name cannot contain wildcards.

Wildcard must be used in at least one source trigger because wildcards are defined for non-trigger sources and/or targets - Map Component name (error).

If wildcards are used as sources and/or targets, at least one source trigger must have a wildcard.

Question mark wildcard is used in a target name - Map Component name1 , Card Name name2 (error).

Question marks cannot be used in target names. A target name can contain at most one asterisk.

Question mark wildcard is used in a source name that is not a trigger - Map Component name1 , Card Name name2 (error).

Question marks cannot be used in sources that are not event triggers. A source that is not an event trigger can contain at most one asterisk.

Multiple wildcard characters are used in a source trigger name, but other source triggers are defined - Map Component name1 (error).

Multiple wildcards can be used in a source trigger name of a map as long as there are no other source triggers.

More than one source trigger name contains a wildcard character and the wildcard character used is different - Map Component name1 (error).

If more than one source trigger name contains a wildcard, that wildcard must be the same wildcard.

Wildcards are used in queue manager name and/or queue name specified for WebSphere MQ name - Map Component name1, Card Component name1 (error).
Source map component name references a non-existent MMS file - (error).

Unresolved MMS reference by source map components must be resolved.

Compiled map component name references a non-existent MMC file - (error).

Unresolved MMC reference by compiled map components must be resolved.

Subsystem component name references a non-existent system - (error).

Unresolved system reference by subsystem components must be resolved.

A system contains itself as a component - System name1 , Subsystem name2 (error).

A system cannot contain itself as a component.

Invalid source/target name - Map Component name1 , Card Name name2 (error).

Database, messaging and application adapters must have valid source/target names as checked by the individual adapter.

Asterisk wildcard is used multiple times in a target name - Map Component name1 , Card Name name2 (error).

Only one wildcard per target name is permitted.