Internal links
The Integration Flow Designer treats a map component as a self-contained indivisible unit. This basic building block is displayed graphically using various visual cues to convey information about it. Double-click on a map icon in the system window to expand or contract the view.
The expanded view of a map component uses links to distinguish its sources from its targets. These links are called internal links because sources and targets are an integral part of a map component. By default, the Integration Flow Designer displays the sources to the left of a map component and the targets to the right. However, you can drag any of the source or target icons to any new location within a system window. A map's internal links always help you to distinguish source icons from target icons regardless of where these icons are placed.
The Integration Flow Designer also displays the audit log of a map as a target if you enable the map's audit log option ( ). The audit log file is represented as a target by a dotted internal link.
In general, the Integration Flow Designer automatically derives and displays internal links for an expanded map component. It uses information in the referenced source or compiled map file together with any source and target overrides that may be specified.
If you change the default sources or targets defined within a source or compiled map file using the Map Designer, the Integration Flow Designer will display these modified definitions when you expand the corresponding map component. Also, if you change the source or target (input or output) overrides for a map component by using the Integration Flow Designer, the changed overrides are displayed when you expand the corresponding map component.
The Integration Flow Designer prevents you from deleting internal links as well as the corresponding source and target icons. You must use the Map Designer to change the number and type of inputs and outputs.