IBM Sterling Transformation Extender Server Components

The IBM Sterling Transformation Extender windows installation has the following components:

  • An IBM Sterling Transformation Extender design time, used to design Schemas, Maps and Flows. The IBM Sterling Transformation Extender design time is a Web based application, runs on a Node.js Application Server and on a Tomcat Application Server. IBM Sterling Transformation Extender design time is also referred by the Windows IBM Sterling Transformation Extender installer as IBM Sterling Transformation Extender Server.
  • An IBM Sterling Transformation Extender runtime (REST API), used to run Maps and Flows, runs on a Tomcat Application Server.
  • An IBM Sterling Transformation Extender design time MongoDB Database that stores User accounts and IBM Sterling Transformation Extender Map and Flow designs. The database requires the MongoDB server to be available before installation is started. Optionally OneDB can be used instead of MongoDB.
  • An IBM Sterling Transformation Extender design time execution engine, the runtime that runs designed Maps and Flows directly from the IBM Sterling Transformation Extender UI.
  • A Redis server, is used by the IBM Sterling Transformation Extender runtime and design-time for communication purposes. The IBM Sterling Transformation Extender windows installer installs Redis server as default option. IBM Sterling Transformation Extender can be configured to use preinstalled Redis server.

A Windows IBM Sterling Transformation Extender installation typically installs runtime and design time, you can customize the installation and select to install IBM Sterling Transformation Extender runtime or design time.