Viewing Database Interface Designer trace files

About this task

After trace has been enabled and a Database Interface Designer trace file has been generated, the contents of this file can be viewed in a trace window in the Database Interface Designer.

To view trace files:


  1. In the Navigator, highlight the MDQ file for which you want to view the results of a trace.
  2. From the View menu, select Trace File.
    A trace window appears, showing the results of the last trace.
    Note: If a trace file has not yet been generated, a blank window appears.
  3. To define how you want to view multiple trace windows simultaneously, from the Window menu, enable either Cascade, Tile Horizontally, Tile Vertically or Arrange Icons.


In addition to the Database Interface Designer trace that is applicable only when working in the Database Interface Designer environment, you can also generate an additional database trace file that records activities occurring during map execution.