Finding text in trace files

About this task

Use the Find command to locate specific text in a Database Interface Designer trace window. This is helpful when analyzing errors or searching for specific information. The Find command is implemented as a result of values entered in the Find dialog. An example of this dialog follows, along with a table describing its fields and their descriptions.

Find what Enter the text upon which to search. The default value is blank.
Match whole word only This check box determines whether to use the value entered in the Find what field to match only whole words against in the trace file. (For example, if this was enabled and text was your find value, texts would not be a match.) The default value is disabled.
Match case This check box determines whether to use the value entered in the Find what field to exactly match its case in the trace file. (For example, if this was enabled and Text was your find value, text would not be a match.) The default value is disabled.
Direction Select the option to determine the direction of the find, that is whether to start at the beginning point and search backward (Up) or forward (Down). The default selection is Down.
Select this option to begin the find at this point and go backwards in the trace file. The default value for this is cleared.
Select this option to begin the find at this point and go forward in the trace file. The default value for this is selected.

To use the Find command:


  1. Select the trace window containing the trace file upon which you want to perform a text search.
    Note: Ensure the trace window containing the desired trace file is the active window.


    From the Window menu, select the name of the trace file.

  2. From the Edit menu, select Find.
    The Find dialog appears.
  3. In the Find what field, enter the text you want to find.
  4. Make other selections as desired.
  5. Click Find Next.
    If a match is found, the text is highlighted in the file in the trace window. Otherwise, there may be a message asking if you want to continue searching.
  6. Repeat Step 5 until you have finished your search.
  7. Click Cancel.