Database Interface Designer trace files

The Database Interface Designer trace is a facility that produces information about accessing your database from the Database Interface Designer and then logs this information to a file. This can be useful in determining problems encountered when generating type trees or setting update keys using the Database Interface Designer.

If trace is enabled, a Database Interface Designer trace file (.dbl) is automatically created when you generate a type tree. This trace file is placed in the same directory as the MDQ file. The newly created Database Interface Designer trace file is named using the full name of the MDQ file with a .dbl extension. For example, if your MDQ file is named Orders.mdq, the trace file is named Orders.dbl and is located in the same directory. If the MDQ file has been newly created, the trace file is named its assigned name (Database_QueryFile n .dbl, where n represents the assigned sequential number) and resides in the directory in which the Database Interface Designer is installed.