To change the SNMP Agent locale

The SNMP Agent application must be closed before performing this task.
  1. Open install_dir/snmpadmin.bat ( in a text editor.
  2. At the REM set USRLANGUAGE= line, remove the REM comment indicator. At the end of the line, enter a locale value.
    Example for Japanese: set USRLANGUAGE=ja
  3. At the next line, REM set USRCOUNTRY=, remove the REM comment indicator. At the end of the line, enter the corresponding country indicator if needed.
    Example for Traditional Chinese:
    set USRLANGUAGE=zh
  4. At the line that begins with REM call %JRE% -DINSTALLDIR="%DTXHOME%" -Duser.language=%USRLANGUAGE% ..., remove the REM comment indicator from the beginning of the line.
  5. At the next line (call %JRE% -DINSTALLDIR="%DTXHOME%" -Dsun.java2d.noddraw ...), add an REM comment indicator to the beginning of the line.
    For Traditional Chinese, the modified text should look similar to the following:
    set USRLANGUAGE=zh
    call %JRE% -DINSTALLDIR="%DTXHOME%" -Duser.language=%USRLANGUAGE% ...
    REM call %JRE% -DINSTALLDIR="%DTXHOME%" -Dsun.java2d.noddraw ...
  6. Save and close the file.
See the IBM Transformation Extender Introduction documentation for additional information about locale settings.