JCL files are used when executing the IBM Transformation Extender in the CICS region just as they are for Batch. However, instead of specifying the .mrn file in a DTXMRN DDNAME definition in the same JCL file in which the job steps that invoke the IBM Transformation Extender are also specified, the .mrn file is specified in a DTXMRN VSAM dataset definition submitted in a separate JCL file. The DTXMRN VSAM dataset definition includes the name and location of the .mrn file.
To specify a resource name file for CICS
Only one DTXMRN VSAM dataset can be used while the CICS region is running, therefore, only one resource name file can be referenced during this duration. Because of this, it is suggested that you define all resource names and their associated values that will be used on the z/OS CICS version of the IBM Transformation Extender in one resource name file.