List the configured administration options

The Launcher Administration -list command displays the options that are configured in the launcheradmin.bin file. You can display all configured options or a subset of the options. The subsets group the options according to the tabs where the options are configured in the graphical Launcher Administration interface.

{launcheradmin.bat |} 
  [-list [general | access | deploydirs | advanced | options | all]]
Lists the specified options that are configured in the launcheradmin.bin file. If you invoke -list without specifying any additional options, it is equivalent to specifying -list all.
Lists only the options that are configured on the General tab of the graphical Launcher Administration interface.
Lists only the options that are configured on the Access tab of the graphical Launcher Administration interface.
Lists only the options that are configured on the Deployment Directories tab of the graphical Launcher Administration interface.
Lists only the options that are configured on the Advanced tab of the graphical Launcher Administration interface.
Lists only the options that are configured on the Options of the graphical Launcher Administration interface.
Lists all of the options that are configured on the all tabs of the graphical Launcher Administration interface.