Advanced options

The Advanced options specify system properties, such as java.rmi.server.hostname, that are to be added or removed from the list of properties that are initialized during Launcher service startup. These options correspond to the options that you configure on the Advanced tab of the graphical Launcher Administration interface.

{launcheradmin.bat |}
  [–addprop property_name:property_value [;property_name:property_value; ...]] 
  [–delprop property_name[;property_name;... ] ]

On UNIX and z/OS® systems, use quotation marks (" ") to enclose multiple parameters that are delineated by semicolons (;).

–addprop property_name:property_value
Specifies the name and the value of the property that is to be added. If the property exists, it is updated. Otherwise, the property is added.
–delprop property_name
Specifies the name and the value of the property that is to be deleted. If the property does not exist, the command line returns an error.