Launcher HTTP Listener summary, status, and configuration

The Launcher HTTP Listener provides two-way communication between external HTTP clients and maps in the Launcher.


To view listener details, click Launcher > Listeners in the Management Console and select the HTTP Listeners that you want to monitor. You can display the HTTP Listener startup settings, watch and connection status, and configure HTTP Listener settings and logging options.


The Summary page displays the HTTP Listener startup settings defined when you create the listener. Use the Launcher Administration utility to edit these settings.

The Summary is refreshed at the refresh interval that is configured in the config.yaml configuration file.

Status page

The Status page displays response totals, connection data, and information about URL watches that you can use to tune the system performance of the Launcher. Also, you can enable and disable trace, socket, and audit logging on the Status.

By default, the Status is refreshed at the Launcher refresh interval. To enable manual refresh, edit the tx_install_dir\ file and set listener.status.manual=1.

Configuration page

In the Configuration page, you can edit the HTTP Listener settings that are not required for starting the listener. The Configuration is only refreshed when you update the HTTP Listener settings.
The port that the listener uses to communicate with external clients. The listener monitors the HTTP port for incoming HTTP requests and responds to the external client through the HTTP port. The HTTP port for each listener must be unique. If you configure multiple listeners with the same HTTP port value, only one listener starts. The default HTTP port is 5017.
Launcher Port
The HTTP Listener port used in the URL of HTTP adapters in Launcher systems that are going to process requests handled by this Launcher. The default Launcher port is 5017.
Launcher Policy
The method to use to load-balance HTTP requests among Launchers when there are multiple Launchers on one listener or multiple watches on the same Launcher.
  • FCFS (first come first served)
  • RR (round robin)
  • RND (random)
Response Timeout
Amount of time in minutes and seconds (mm:ss) that the HTTP Listener waits for a response from the Launcher. The default value is 90 seconds (01:30).
Launcher User
User ID that the Launcher uses to connect to the HTTP Listener.
Launcher Password
Password that authorizes the User ID for the Launcher.
Admin URL (this form)
URL to access Launcher Administration form.
Admin Page (this form)
Source file name of Launcher Administration form.
Admin User
User ID to authenticate connection to Launcher Administration.
Admin Password
The password for the Admin User ID.
Port Monitor Cycle Time
Length of time to listen on a socket before checking for control messages. The format is mm:ss (minutes:seconds), where mm: is optional. The default value is 45 seconds.
Important: This value affects the time it takes to stop the service.
Launcher Time Limit
Time to wait for the Launcher connection when a request is received. The format is mm:ss (minutes:seconds), where mm: is optional. The default value is 5 seconds.
Client Retry-After Time
Notifies HTTP clients of the amount of time to wait before resending a request that has not been answered by the Launcher. The default value is 45 seconds.
Authenticate Clients
Globally determines whether browser requests should be authenticated. The default is authentication disabled.
User Administration
Click User Administration to add, modify or delete users for the Launcher.
SSL Status
Indicates whether SSL is available.
SSL Authentication
Indicates whether SSL communication with HTTP clients is enabled.
SSL Secure Mode
Indicates the required level of security for communication between the HTTP Listener and HTTP clients.
X.509 certificates are not defined. No encryption is in effect in the TCP/IP session layer.
SSL encryption without NIST SP 800-131A compliance is in effect.
NIST SP 800-131A and TLS V1.2 are attempted, but the SSL client and SSL server can negotiate a less secure protocol.
NIST SP 800-131A required
Communication between the Launcher and SSL clients must comply with the NIST SP 800-131A standard.
NIST SP 800-131A and TLS V1.2 required
Communication between the Launcher and SSL clients must use the TLS V1.2 protocol and comply with the NIST SP 800-131A standard.
HTTP Certificate
The name in the key store of the certificate from the Certificate Signing Authority that enables SSL communication between the HTTP Listener and external HTTP clients. The key store is set in the config.yaml file in the installation directory.
Launcher Certificate
The name in the key store of the certificate that enables SSL communication between the HTTP listener and the Launcher. The key store is set in the config.yaml file in the installation directory.