Design Studio hex, decimal, and symbol values

Design Studio allows you to use various hex, decimal, and symbol values.

The following table lists characters, hexadecimal values, decimal values, and symbols.

In this list, some characters in the character name are capitalized to indicate the common abbreviation for the character. For example, the <STX> abbreviation represents the Start of TeXt character.

The hexadecimal values are provided as a reference. For any literal value specified in the Type Designer Properties window, hexadecimal values must be enclosed in double angle brackets. For example, <<0A>> represents the hexadecimal value for a line feed character.

The decimal values are provided as a reference. Decimal values can be used with the SYMBOL function. For any literal value specified in the Type Designer Properties window, decimal values must be enclosed in single angle brackets. For example, <10> represents the decimal value for a line feed character.

Symbols can be inserted into map rules and component rules. You can insert them from the Symbols dialog box or by typing the hexadecimal or decimal value.

Character Hex Value Decimal Value Symbol
NewLine - - <NL>
WhiteSPace - - <WSP>
KanjiSPace (WideSpace) - - <KSP>
0-9 - - <DIGIT/>
a-z and A-Z - - <LETTER/>
a-z - - <LETTERLOWER/>
NULL 00 0 <NULL>
StartOfHeading 01 1 <SOH>
StartofTeXt 02 2 <STX>
EndofTeXt 03 3 <ETX>
EndOfTrans. 04 4 <EOT>
ENQuiry 05 5 <ENQ>
ACKnowlege 06 6 <ACK>
BELL 07 7 <BELL>
BackSpace 08 8 <BS>
HorizTab 09 9 <HT>
LineFeed 0A 10 <LF>
VerticalTab 0B 11 <VT>
FormFeed 0C 12 <FF>
CarriageReturn 0D 13 <CR>
ShiftOut 0E 14 <SO>
ShiftIn 0F 15 <SI>
DataLinkEscape 10 16 <DLE>
DeviceControl1 11 17 <DC1>
DeviceControl2 12 18 <DC2>
DeviceControl3 13 19 <DC3>
DeviceControl4 14 20 <DC4>
NegativeAcK 15 21 <NAK>
SYNchron.Idle 16 22 <SYNI>
EndTransBlock 17 23 <ETB>
CANcel 18 24 <CAN>
EndofMedium 19 25 <EM>
SUBstitute 1A 26 <SUB>
ESCape 1B 27 <ESC>
FileSeparator 1C 28 <FS>
GroupSeparator 1D 29 <GS>
RecordSep. 1E 30 <RS>
UnitSeparator 1F 31 <US>
SPace 20 32 <SP>
! 21 33 -
" 22 34 -
# 23 35 -
$ 24 36 -
% 25 37 -
& 26 38 -
' 27 39 -
( 28 40 -
) 29 41 -
* 2A 42 -
+ 2B 43 -
, 2C 44 -
- 2D 45 -
. 2E 46 -
/ 2F 47 -
0 30 48 -
1 31 49 -
2 32 50 -
3 33 51 -
4 34 52 -
5 35 53 -
6 36 54 -
7 37 55 -
8 38 56 -
9 39 57 -
: 3A 58 -
; 3B 59 -
< 3C 60 -
= 3D 61 -
> 3E 62 -
? 3F 63 -
@ 40 64 -
A 41 65 -
B 42 66 -
C 43 67 -
D 44 68 -
E 45 69 -
F 46 70 -
G 47 71 -
H 48 72 -
I 49 73 -
J 4A 74 -
K 4B 75 -
L 4C 76 -
M 4D 77 -
N 4E 78 -
O 4F 79 -
P 50 80 -
Q 51 81 -
R 52 82 -
S 53 83 -
T 54 84 -
U 55 85 -
V 56 86 -
W 57 87 -
X 58 88 -
Y 59 89 -
Z 5A 90 -
[ 5B 91 -
\ 5C 92 -
] 5D 93 -
^ 5E 94 -
_ 5F 95 -
` 60 96 -
a 61 97 -
b 62 98 -
c 63 99 -
d 64 100 -
e 65 101 -
f 66 102 -
g 67 103 -
h 68 104 -
i 69 105 -
J 6A 106 -
k 6B 107 -
l 6C 108 -
m 6D 109 -
n 6E 110 -
o 6F 111 -
p 70 112 -
q 71 113 -
r 72 114 -
s 73 115 -
t 74 116 -
u 75 117 -
v 76 118 -
w 77 119 -
x 78 120 -
y 79 121 -
z 7A 122 -
{ 7B 123 -
| 7C 124 -
} 7D 125 -
~ 7E 126 -
DELete 7F 127 -