Status Node
A Status Node can only be used as the first node in a ‘’status flow”, as that what makes a flow a status flow. Similar to an initialization flow, a status flow may be referenced from any other main flow. A status flow has a Status node as its first node which has Success, Error and Always output terminals that provide the flow status JSON to a downstream node.
The name of the status flow can be any valid flow name. If the project has a status flow, another flow can reference it from the
.A status flow cannot be referenced in a flow node (sub-flow) or an initialization flow, or another status flow.
If a flow has a status flow associated with it, when the main flow completes (either successfully or in error), the associated status flow is invoked. The status is output from this node to a subsequent node based on whether the error, status or always terminal is connected. Multiple terminals can be connected to handle both success and failure statuses in the same status flow.