JSON Read Node

This documentation describes the function and use of the JSON Read node.

The JSON Read node is used to set flow variables or cache variables to the value of elements extracted from a JSON document. It can also be used to extract elements from a larger JSON document, to perform simple JSON transformation.

The JSON Read node performs following:

  • Examine the JSON document that is sent to the node's input link. It then processes each path or query expression that is provided in the node's Paths property to find the specified JSON element in the input document.
  • If the Variable Scope property is set to Flow Variables, the named flow variables are set with the value of the JSON element. Alternatively, if the Variable Scope property is set to Cache, the named cache variables are set with the value of the JSON element.
  • If the Output Content property is set to Filter the Input, the node's output is a JSON object with fields containing the JSON elements specified by the Paths. Alternatively, if the Output Content property is set to Propagate the Input, the input JSON is copied to the output terminal without modification.