Launcher logging

In the /runtime/launcher key of the config.yaml file, you can specify the settings for a Launcher log file. See Trace and Log Files Naming Conventions for the specific naming conventions.

The /runtime/launcher/LauncherLog: is set to empty value by default and the launcher log file is not created by default. To make sure that a log file is created, you must set one of the available options in the config.yaml file.

For example:

LauncherLog: ewsc

This will create a file that contains error, warning, startup, and configuration information, and will be created in the product installation directory by default.

The default syntax is:

LauncherLog: [E][W][S][C]

Each option is described in the following table.

Logs map errors
Logs map warnings
Logs Launcher startup statistics
Logs configuration information

Configuration option

If you specify c for configuration, the following example displays how each watch is configured:


Time:                  Thu Nov 21 10:53:05 2002
Watch:                  1
MSL File:                  C:\mapdev.nn\mercntsv\systems\single-mq-to-file.msl
System:                  single-mq-to-file
Component:                  fromqueuetofile
Map:                  C:\testing\n.n\15010\fromquetofile.mmc

Map Delay:                  <none>
Pending Exp.:                  <none>
Retries:                  10 every 5 seconds

Paging:                  8 X 64K

Trace:                  Summary

Validation:                  Ignore: <none>
                  Stop On First Error: Yes

Work Area:                  Default

Init High:                  100
Init Low:                  50

Time Trigger:                  <none>

Input 1 (T):                  IBM WebSphereMQ: -QMN QM1 -QN QA.QUEUE5 
																					-MID * -QTY 1
                  Rollback: Yes, Delete: No, Reuse Work File: No
                  Retries: <none>

Output 1:                  File: C:\testing\n.n\15010\output*.txt
                  Rollback: Yes, Delete: If empty, Append: No
                  Retries: <none>

Audit File:                  Burst Data                     Never
                  Burst Execution                     Always
                  Summary Execution                     Always
                  Data Settings                     Never
                  Map Settings                     Never

Startup option

If you specify s for startup, you will see an entry on whether the startup of the Launcher was successful. If successful, something similar to the following entry is displayed:

Status:               Successful
Time:               Thu Nov 21 10:53:11 2002

If not successful, it might pinpoint where the startup problem is:

Status:               Failure
Time:               Thu Nov 21 18:49:58 2002
Errors:               No systems to run

Error option

If you specify e, the file lists all maps that have an error status after being run:

   *** ERROR:
   System:                  single-mq-to-file
   Component:                  fromqueuetofile
   Map:                  C:\testing\n.n\15010\fromquetofile.mmc
   Start Time:                  Thu Nov 21 10:54:06 2002
   Instance:                  1
   Run Time:                  0.1957 seconds
   Return Code:                  8 - One or more inputs was invalid
   Input 1:                  IBM WebSphereMQ: -QMN QM1 -QN QA.QUEUE5 
																					-MID AMQ0 -QTY 1
   Output 1:                  File: C:\testing\n.n\15010\outputAMQ.txt
   Audit File:                  C:\testing\n.n\15010\fileAMQ.log

Warning option

If you specify w, the file lists all maps that have a warning status after being run.

   System:                  single-mq-to-file
   Component:                  fromqueuetofile
   Map:                  C:\testing\n.n\15010\fromquetofile.mmc
   Start Time:                  Thu Nov 21 11:23:54 2002
   Instance:                  1
   Run Time:                  0.0923 seconds
   Return Code:                  21 - Input valid but unknown data found

   Input 1:                  IBM WebSphereMQ: -QMN QM1 -QN QA.QUEUE5 
																					-MID AMQ1 -QTY 1
   Output 1:                  File: C:\testing\n.n\15010\outputAMQ.txt

   Audit File:                  C:\testing\n.n\15010\fileAMQ.log