Using the Type Library Importer

The Type Library Importer reads the format of COM Automation Components and Methods to automatically generate type trees for use with the COM Automation Adapter. .

To run the Type Library Importer

  1. Open the Type Designer application.
  2. Select Import a type tree in the Startup window and click Next. Or select Import from the Tree menu at anytime while the Type Designer is running.

    The Importer Wizard dialog box appears.

  3. Select Type Library. Click Next.

    The Importer Wizard-Type Library dialog box appears.

  4. Select an object from the list or click Browse and select a type library. Click Next.
    Note: There will be a number of components that show up in the list that are not compatible with the adapter.
  5. Select the desired component and click Next.
  6. Select one or more methods from the list and click Next.

    Depending on the component and how it is going to be used, you might need to reorder the methods. You can arrange the methods by using a drag-and-drop technique.

  7. Enter the destination type tree name in the File Name field or click Browse and select a type tree (.mtt) file. Click Next.
    Note: If the destination file already exists, it will be overwritten.
  8. Click Finish.
  9. When prompted, click Yes to open the generated type tree(s). Click No to close the Importer Wizard and return to the Type Designer application.