Database Interface Designer settings

When defining a DB2® (z/OS® ODBC) database in the Database Interface Designer, in addition to the common settings available for all of the adapters in the Database Definition dialog, you need to enter information specific to DB2 (z/OS ODBC).

DB2 (z/OS ODBC) Adapter-specific settings include:
  • Data Source > Database Interface Designer

    The data source you defined in your development PC that is used by the Database Interface Designerto access the database information for design-time purposes.

  • Data Source > Runtime

    The data source you defined in your ODBC database host platform to be used for access to the database for runtime (map execution) purposes both from the Map Designer and a Command Server.

  • Security
    • The user ID used to connect to the database.
    • The authorization password to connect to the DB2 subsystem.
    The IBM® DB2 implementation ignores the Security setting values. For more information, see the appropriate IBM documentation for the call-level interface.
Note: To see all common settings, see the Database Interface Designer documentation.