Stage 3: preparing systems to run

After you design your systems and verify component relationships, you use the Integration Flow Designer to prepare them to run. The Integration Flow Designer assists you in this process by building maps and porting them to designated servers. You can easily build and port entire systems, or specific groups of maps or individual maps.

The Integration Flow Designer also generates process control information based on the execution mode you specify for a system and the execution settings you have specified for the various components within the system. The Integration Flow Designer produces command files for systems that will be run by a Command Server and Launcher system files (.msl) for systems that will be run by an Launcher.

The Integration Flow Designer includes an Analyzer that checks your system definitions for logical consistency to ensure they can be executed. The Analyzer detects any inconsistencies you may have introduced in the definition while experimenting with system models.

Systems that will be run by a Launcher can be designed to run independently on one or more servers or as a distributed system across multiple servers. Event coordination among multiple servers is analyzed at design time before deployment. During execution, data from one system component to another can flow seamlessly without the need for a global controller.