Customizing the Transformation Extender Development perspective

Use the Transformation Extender preferences to configure the default settings for the Transformation Extender Development perspective.

To access user preferences, click Window > Preferences > Transformation Extender .

Customize the Transformation Extender Development perspective by making your selections for the following options. After you save the selections, you must reopen the map for the Design Studio to use the changed default settings.

Always open Transformation Extender perspective when opening a mtt or mms file.
Every time you open a type tree (.mtt) or map source (.mms) file, the Transformation Extender Development perspective opens.
In the Transformation Extender perspective, always save the type tree after analysis.
Every time you analyze a type tree in the Transformation Extender Development perspective, the Design Studio saves it.
Show Schemas as Native Icons
Design Studio displays the native icons for schema types.
Suppress Build Warnings
If warnings occur during the map build process, the process ignores the warnings and compiles the map.

In the Content Assist pane, select the components on which to enable content assistance, as well as the option to enable automatic content completion. When you enable types, maps, or functions, Design Studio provides you with hover help in the Rule editor, which includes information about the components that you selected. While you are entering a map rule in the Rule editor, you can view the hover help for a type so that you can access information about those selected components in one place.

Enable Types
Enable content assistance on types.
When you hover your mouse pointer over a type in a map rule in the Rule editor, the Design Studio displays the hover help, which contains information including the name of the type, the type tree (.mtt) value that is in the card, and the location of the type tree file.
Enable Maps
Enable content assistance on maps.
When you hover your mouse pointer over a map in a map rule in the Rule editor, the Design Studio displays the hover help, which contains information including the name of the map, the input and output that the map in the rule uses, and details about the input and output cards.
Enable Functions
Enable content assistance on functions.
When you hover your mouse pointer over a function in a map rule in the Rule editor, the Design Studio displays the hover help, which contains information including the definition and syntax of the function.
Enable AutoComplete
Enable automatic content completion.
When you are entering a map rule in the Rule editor, and you type any one of the following symbols: a single quotation mark, a double quotation mark, an opening parenthesis, or an opening bracket, Design Studio automatically completes the open symbol with its corresponding closing symbol.

To display settings and dialogs that you previously selected to hide, click Clear, which is next to Clear all 'do not show again' settings and show all hidden dialogs again in the WTX Dialogs pane.