System execution consistency
System execution consistency implies data resources get to the right place at the right time with the right priority and that resources are manageable so that data or timing interfaces do not interfere with each other.
The smallest unit in a system configuration is a map. The definition of a map requires you to identify logical source and target data objects and rules for transforming source content to target content. For example, a logical data object can be an order, a ship notice, a news report, or a point-of-sale transaction. In this case, content transformation rules determine how an order and inventory schedule produces a ship notice.
If the transformation is consistent, the result is predictable. If the transformation is consistent, the same rules can execute on a variety of computing platforms; different sources and targets can be applied to the same logical data. For example, orders might be in a distributed database, inventory schedules might appear as messages, and ship notices might need to be contained in files.
Maps communicate when data can flow among them. To visualize that transaction data flow, the architecture of map interaction is defined as a system using the IFD. From a graphical diagram of system components, you can generate consistent control information to distribute maps and subsystems across different servers and execute all atomic maps in a system as an integrated whole with an Launcher.