Access options

The Access options add, delete, or edit the permissions of Launcher users. These options correspond to the options that you configure on the Access tab of the graphical Launcher Administration interface.

{launcheradmin.bat |}
  [–adduser user:user_name;login:login_name;pwd:password [;access:{[gss|rss],[gpr|rpr],[gm|rm]}] 
  [–deluser user_name ]

On UNIX and z/OS® systems, use quotation marks (" ") to enclose multiple parameters that are delineated by semicolons (;).

–adduser user:user_name
Adds the specified user. If the user already exists, updates the user configuration with the specified options.
Specifies the login name for the user. This keyword is required to add a new user and optional to edit an existing user configuration.
Specifies the password for the user. This keyword is required to add a new user and optional to edit an existing user configuration.
Grants (gss) or revokes (rss) permission for the user to start and stop the Launcher. By default, permission is revoked.
Grants (gpr) or revokes (rpr) permission for the user to pause and resume the Launcher. By default, permission is revoked.
Grants (gm) or revokes (rm) permission for the user to monitor the Launcher. By default, permission is revoked.
–deluser user_name
Deletes the specified user.