Character descriptions

In the character restrictions view for an item type, there is either an Include or Exclude column, depending on the Restrictions > Rule setting.

  • Include character restrictions:
    • Include First column - Use this column to define the first character of the character list.
    • Include After column - Use this column to define the character list of the characters to follow the first character, as defined in the Include First column.
  • Exclude character restrictions:
    • Exclude column - Use this column to specify the substrings in the input data that must be excluded and replaced with the associated reference string.
    • Reference String column - Use this column to define the characters that are to replace the excluded character strings. On output, a character text item is built by using the corresponding reference string when the content contains any of the Exclude character substrings listed. For example, you can define XML item content that excludes markup delimiters by using the corresponding reference strings. This is because XML character text items cannot contain the markup delimiters <, > or & in the raw form.