AuditLocation > FileName
Use the FileName setting to specify a default or custom name for the audit log file.
The default value is Unique.
- Value
- Description
- Default
- The file is automatically assigned an audit log file name based on the compiled map name with the .log file name extension.
- Unique
- Generates a unique audit log name in the following format:
The "Mer" prefix is used with top-level maps while "Run" is used for run maps.
- mapname
- The executable map name.
- processkey
- Unique value for each process.
- mapcounter
- Unique value for each map instance (within the same process)
- hostname
- The host name of the computer where Transformation Extender is running.
You cannot view an audit log file that has a unique name from the Data Audit Settings view.
- Custom
- Use the setting to specify the custom name of the audit log file.
Use the Custom value if the log files produced for one map trigger another map, so that each log file triggers another instance of that other map. Be sure to specify different directories for the log files.
The number of characters allowed for the log file name is contingent on the number of characters in the directory path. The total number of characters in the path name and the file name is limited to a maximum of 255 characters.