
In the [Launcher] section of the dtx.ini file, you can specify the settings for a Launcher log file. See Trace and Log Files Naming Conventions for the specific naming conventions.

The LauncherLog file is not created by default. To ensure that a log file is created, you must remove the semicolon from the beginning of the designated line of text in the dtx.ini file. For example, the following line entry has had the semicolon removed and will create a file that contains error, warning, startup, and configuration information, and will be created in the product installation directory by default.


The default syntax is:


Each option is described in the following table.

Logs map errors
Logs map warnings
Logs Launcher startup statistics
Logs configuration information

Regardless of the options you choose to log, the debug log (.txt) file (see Trace and Log Files Naming Conventions for the specific naming conventions) will contain header information that is similar to the following example:

***                      Transformation Extender Launcher for Windows
Version:                 n.n(999)
Copyright:               Licensed Materials - Property of IBM and/or HCL
                         (c) Copyright IBM Corporation 2006, 2016. All Rights Reserved.
                         (c) Copyright HCL Technologies Ltd. 2017. All Rights Reserved.
Started:                 Thu Nov 21 10:53:05 2016
Computer:                MYCOMPUTER
Logging:                 Configuration, Start Up, Errors, Warnings, Exit
Note:                    This file views correctly under fixed font editors.

Configuration option

If you specify c for configuration, the following example displays how each watch is configured:


Time:                  Thu Nov 21 10:53:05 2002
Watch:                  1
MSL File:                  C:\mapdev.nn\mercntsv\systems\single-mq-to-file.msl
System:                  single-mq-to-file
Component:                  fromqueuetofile
Map:                  C:\testing\n.n\15010\fromquetofile.mmc

Map Delay:                  <none>
Pending Exp.:                  <none>
Retries:                  10 every 5 seconds

Paging:                  8 X 64K

Trace:                  Summary

Validation:                  Ignore: <none>
                  Stop On First Error: Yes

Work Area:                  Default

Init High:                  100
Init Low:                  50

Time Trigger:                  <none>

Input 1 (T):                  IBM WebSphereMQ: -QMN QM1 -QN QA.QUEUE5 
																					-MID * -QTY 1
                  Rollback: Yes, Delete: No, Reuse Work File: No
                  Retries: <none>

Output 1:                  File: C:\testing\n.n\15010\output*.txt
                  Rollback: Yes, Delete: If empty, Append: No
                  Retries: <none>

Audit File:                  Burst Data                     Never
                  Burst Execution                     Always
                  Summary Execution                     Always
                  Data Settings                     Never
                  Map Settings                     Never

Startup option

If you specify s for startup, you will see an entry on whether the startup of the Launcher was successful. If successful, something similar to the following entry is displayed:

Status:               Successful
Time:               Thu Nov 21 10:53:11 2002

If not successful, it might pinpoint where the startup problem is:

Status:               Failure
Time:               Thu Nov 21 18:49:58 2002
Errors:               No systems to run

Error option

If you specify e, the file lists all maps that have an error status after being run:

   *** ERROR:
   System:                  single-mq-to-file
   Component:                  fromqueuetofile
   Map:                  C:\testing\n.n\15010\fromquetofile.mmc
   Start Time:                  Thu Nov 21 10:54:06 2002
   Instance:                  1
   Run Time:                  0.1957 seconds
   Return Code:                  8 - One or more inputs was invalid
   Input 1:                  IBM WebSphereMQ: -QMN QM1 -QN QA.QUEUE5 
																					-MID AMQ0 -QTY 1
   Output 1:                  File: C:\testing\n.n\15010\outputAMQ.txt
   Audit File:                  C:\testing\n.n\15010\fileAMQ.log

Warning option

If you specify w, the file lists all maps that have a warning status after being run.

   System:                  single-mq-to-file
   Component:                  fromqueuetofile
   Map:                  C:\testing\n.n\15010\fromquetofile.mmc
   Start Time:                  Thu Nov 21 11:23:54 2002
   Instance:                  1
   Run Time:                  0.0923 seconds
   Return Code:                  21 - Input valid but unknown data found

   Input 1:                  IBM WebSphereMQ: -QMN QM1 -QN QA.QUEUE5 
																					-MID AMQ1 -QTY 1
   Output 1:                  File: C:\testing\n.n\15010\outputAMQ.txt

   Audit File:                  C:\testing\n.n\15010\fileAMQ.log