Support for SOAP arrays

The WSDL Importer can process SOAP arrays and produce relevant type trees when the type of the array’s elements is known. When a SOAP array derived type is found, the value of the arrayType attribute (if present) is used to create a reference to the defined type.
Type tree representation Type definition
- ElemDecl + AttrList - Wrapper     - Group (0:1)     - Seq (0:1)      valueOf(arrayType) (s) <xs:element name="arrayOfThings">   <xs:complexType>     <xs:complexContent>       <xs:restriction base="tns:Array">         <xs:sequence>           <xs:element name=="int" maxOccurs=            "unbounded"/>         </xs:sequence>         <xs:attribute ref="tns:arrayType"                    wsdl:arrayType="xs:int[]"/>       </xs:restriction>     </xs:complexContent>   </xs:complexType> </xs:element>