Unique database information
If the databases of the two compared MDQ files have the same name, but different settings, this tab will appear in red letters. Also, both databases will appear in the bottom panes of the Database Differences window. If the database names of either of the two compared MDQ files are different, the name of each database appears in blue letters in the Database Differences window. If the databases are exactly the same, the name of the database in both the upper pane and the Database Properties tab would all appear in black letters. In both of these latter scenarios (with the different-named or duplicate databases), you can view only one tab at a time by clicking on the Database icon in the upper (Navigator-like) portion of the window for the specific MDQ file. The resulting display in this tab is a reproduction of the settings of the Database Definition dialog. To see the respective database differences, you must click alternately on each database icon in each upper half of the Database Differences window.