Trace (-T or -TRACE)

Use the Trace adapter command (-TRACE) to produce a database trace file. The recorded Trace information details the database adapter activity. This command can be used either for a source or target, or in a DBLOOKUP, DBQUERY, GET, or PUT function.

To produce a trace, you must specify the Trace adapter command (-TRACE) or Trace Error adapter command (-TRACEERR). A database trace is not produced if only map trace is enabled, as was true in previous versions of the database adapters.

The default is for a database trace file to be produced in the directory in which the map is located, using the full name of the map file and a .dbl extension (map_name.dbl). Optionally, you can append the trace information to an existing database trace file, specify a file name, or specify the full pathname for the file.

-TRACE[+] [full_path]
Append trace information to an existing trace file.
Create a trace file with the specified name in the specified directory. By default, the directory is where the map is located and the file name is map_name.dbl.