To analyze a type tree
Follow this procedure to analyze a type tree.
To analyze a type tree:
Error scenario
After analysis, the Analysis Results dialog displays error L201.
The error concerns the type File. File's first component, Record(s) is a series. The way the data is defined does not allow one Record to be distinguishable from the next Record in the series.
There are a number of reasons why the records might not be distinguishable. To see how you can define Record to solve the problem, you can look at the list of things that make objects of a component distinguishable in "Distinguishable Objects".
A good way to figure out how to resolve an error is to look at the data. When you look at the data, it is clear where a record ends. Ask the question: How can I tell the difference between one record and the next? Perhaps each record ends with a carriage return/linefeed.
In this case, perhaps you forgot to define CR/LF as the terminator of Record.
To resolve the problem, open the Properties for the Record type and define the terminator. After you define a terminator and analyze the tree again, no errors should occur.