Connection ports

A Listening Port is a network port that listens for incoming requests. The default listening ports are 5015 and 5016. The second listening port is reserved for communicating with the Launcher Monitor and is displayed in a read-only field. The Launcher Administration application uses an increment of 1 to determine the second listening port number. The system-generated number for this port is based on the Listening Port value plus 1. For example, if you change the listening port to 3050, the second listening port number automatically changes to 3051.

Note: When running the Java™ Launcher on UNIX platforms and using the stop, pause or restart command with the shell script command, the Java Launcher internally uses a port setting that is 1 less than the first Listening Port value. The default internal Port is 5014, which is 1 less than the first Listening Port, 5015.

The Port Range values determine the port range that is used for systems running in the Launcher. There are three ports used for each Launcher running. The default range is 7000-8000. You can change the port range to any value except the Listening Port number plus 1 (for example, 5016), which is reserved for communication with the Launcher monitor.

Note: When using WebSphere® Transformation Extender for z/OS®, the specified Listening Port and Port Range ports should be added to the TCPIP.ETC.SERVICES file. These ports cannot be currently in use by another application. The purpose of specifying them in the file is to document that these ports are reserved and should not be used by another application. It does not prevent other applications from using them.

This is true for all platforms, although the services file name is different.

For more details, see the IBM® z/OS Communications Server: IP Configuration Reference documentation.
Note: See "Multiple Processes" for additional information about connection ports when using the multiple-processes feature.
Note: When running the Java Launcher on UNIX and LINUX platforms, the specified Listening Port and Port Range ports should be added to the etc\services file.