Connecting to Design Server

This topic documents how to set up connection between Keycloack and Design server.

  1. Install the Design Server to connect to Keycloak.
  2. In Keycloak, make sure that Keycloak Auth Enabled is set to true.
  3. In text editor, open tx-server.env to confirm the connectivity information. You can see the below information and update as appropriate to your environment:
    # Flag indicating if keycloak is used for identity & access management
    # Keycloak server url
    # Keycloak realm id
    # Keycloak client id for making rest calls
    # Associated client secret for above client id
  4. Log in to Design Server using Keycloak or LDAP user credentials as configured. To unlock the maps if they are locked, go to Administration in Design Server and delete locks held by a user.