XML type tree compatibility utility

If you have type trees that are generated with the XML Schema or DTD importers of IBM Transformation Extender 6.7 or 7.5 or earlier, and you are now using this version, you must update your type trees to use the current XML validation. To update your type trees, you can use the XML Type Tree Compatibility Utility. This utility is also available from the command line (dsxmlconv).

When you use the XML Type Tree Compatibility Utility, there are two important requirements. One is that you must specify the correct version of the IBM Transformation Extender XML Schema or DTD importer that was used to create the original type tree. The other is that you must have the original DTD or Schema.

To make a type tree compatible with this version of IBM Transformation Extender XML validation:

Note: The original DTD/schema file is required when you use the XML Type Tree Compatibility Utility.
  1. Right-click the root type and select Convert from the menu.

    The XML Type Tree Compatibility Utility opens.

  2. From the drop-down list, select the importer that was originally used to create the type tree: XML Schema, which is the default setting, or DTD.
  3. Click the browse button and choose a type tree.
  4. From the drop-down list, choose the version of the IBM Transformation Extender importer that is used to create the type tree.
    Note: You must specify the correct version of the IBM Transformation Extender importer that was used to create the original type tree. If you use an incorrect version number, the conversion process can complete successfully, however, the type tree would be invalid.
  5. In the Select the XML grammar location field, accept the default value for the original XML DTD or Schema used to create the type tree if it is accurate. Otherwise, enter the correct location of the XML grammar.
  6. Enable or disable the Create backup file option. By default, the option is enabled and the location for the backup file is automatically displayed in the subsequent field, which is based on the type tree that you selected. You can change the location and file name extension if necessary.
  7. If applicable, select the national language of the original type tree.
  8. Click Next to begin the update process.
    The following list includes the possible results:
    • If no modifications were made to the original type tree created from the DTD or schema, the process completes successfully.
    • If modifications were made to the original type tree, they are displayed in the right pane of the utility in red text. You can incorporate any differences into the new (target) type tree (see Modifying the Target Type Tree).
    For example, the non-XML types that were added to the original type tree can be added to the new (target) type tree.
  9. When you see that the type tree was synchronized successfully, click Finish to close the utility.