To create a type tree

Remember: You must have a project created before you can create a new type tree.
Important: Be familiar with the specifications that define your data before creating a type tree.
  1. Select File > New > Type Tree when "type tree" is present in the shortcut menu. Otherwise, select File > New > Other > Transformation Extender > Type Tree.
  2. Click Next.
  3. In the first field, accept the default project folder or enter a different project folder name.
  4. In the File name field, enter a file name and extension for the type tree. For example, tree_1.mtt.
  5. Click Finish.
    The new type tree is displayed under the project folder in the Extender Navigator. In the main window, a tab has been created for the new type tree from where you can begin adding types that define your data to the "Root" type.