Command Server Overview

The Command Server is used to develop, test, and execute maps in development environments. It can also be used to execute commands in production environments.

Maps are developed and tested using the Design Studio software on a Windows system-based development computer. When a map's development is complete, the compiled map file (.mmc) is, by default, ready to be executed by a Windows system-based Command Server. For example, you can run a map from the Map Designer interface or a Windows system-based Command Server, a Launcher, or the Platform API that has the same byte-order and character set.

The following list summarizes the steps you will do to run maps with the Command Server.

  1. Create your map
  2. Build or build for specific platform
  3. Transfer if necessary
  4. Execute with the Command Server

To account for environmental differences, some platforms require the map to be compiled or built for that specific platform. The Build for Specific Platform command is available from the Map menu in the Map Designer. After a map is built, it can be transferred to any destination computer hosting the Command Server. Using your preferred file transfer method, the file must be transferred in BINARY mode to ensure that the content of the compiled map arrives in its proper format on the destination platform.

Maps already transferred to their destination platform can be executed:

  • from the command line
  • as part of a series of maps in a command file
  • from a program that runs an external program
  • using a batch file or shell script
  • as a task within a scheduler