Defining a trigger using a database source

About this task

Specify that you want a database source to be a trigger for a map when using a database adapter that supports triggering and an Launcher.

To define a trigger:


  1. Use the Database Interface Designer to create an MDQ file containing the desired query.
  2. From the Trigger Specification dialog in the Database Interface Designer, define the conditions under which changes in database tables will trigger a map. The trigger you define is associated with a query and is saved in the MDQ file. For more information about this, refer to Defining a trigger for a query.
  3. Use the Map Designer to create an executable map with an input card that uses the MDQ file containing the trigger specification. For more information, see the Map Designer documentation.
    Make sure that the input card corresponding to the database trigger is set to integral mode, not burst.
  4. Use the Integration Flow Designer to create a system with the map component containing the trigger specification. Enable the Input(s) > GET > Source setting in the Launcher Settings dialog. For information about how to do this, refer to Using the Integration Flow Designer to enable triggers.
    The Integration Flow Designer does not perform any validation of a database source used as a trigger. Ensure that the trigger has been defined using the Database Interface Designer prior to specifying it as an input event trigger.
  5. Generate the Launcher system file (.msl) on the Launcher as appropriate. For more information about how to do this, see the Integration Flow Designer documentation.