HTTP Listener command line syntax

You can use the httplsnr command to configure, start, and stop the Launcher HTTP Listener.

[[?]{config_file {-view | -stop} | {config_file {-edit | -start} 
  [-clntport HTTP_port_number]
  [-lnchport Launcher_port_number] 
  [-clntcert client_request_certificate]
  [-lnchcert HTTP_adapter_request_certificate]
  [-lpolicy {RR | FCFS | RND}]
  [-authclients {enable | disable}]
  [-adminuser username]
  [-adminpswd password]
  [-adduser username%path%password]
  [-deluser username%path]  
  [-trace file_name | -traceoff] 
  [-verbose file_name | -verboseoff]
  [-audit file_name | -auditoff]
When invoked without parameters, displays the list of httplsnr command options.
The httplsnr ? command displays the list of monitoring, auditing, and tracing commands that correspond to the HTTP Listener Status controls that are available from the Management Console or the http://Launcher_host_address:http_port/admin/status URL.
The unique name of the configuration file used to start and stop an HTTP Listener.
Displays the settings in the specified configuration file.
Stops the HTTP Listener specified by the configuration file.
Sets or overrides the specified settings in the configuration file.
Starts the HTTP Listener specified by the configuration file. If the configuration file exists, the -start option saves or edits the options that are specified on the command line. If the configuration file does not exist, the -start option creates the file and saves the specified options in it.
Specifies the HTTP port number for communicating with the client, and saves it in the configuration file.
Specifies the port number for communicating with the Launcher, and saves it in the configuration file.
Specifies the server certificate used for SSL communication with HTTP clients on the client port. The -clntcert is optional. If you omit it, SSL communication with HTTP clients is disabled.
Specifies the server certificate used for SSL communication with HTTP adapters on the Launcher port. The -lnchcert is optional. If you omit it, SSL communication with HTTP clients is disabled.
-lpolicy {RR | FCFS | RND}

Specifies how to load-balance HTTP requests among Launchers, and saves the load-balancing method in the configuration file. Load-balancing is in effect when there are multiple Launchers on one listener or multiple watches on the same Launcher.

Round robin
First come, first served
-authclients {enable | disable}
Specifies whether browser requests should be authenticated, and saves it in the configuration file. By default, authentication is disabled.
-adminuser username
Specifies the user ID to authenticate the connection to Launcher Administration, and saves it in the configuration file. The user ID is a maximum of 31 bytes.
-adminpswd password
Specifies the password for the adminuser, and saves it in the configuration file. The password is a maximum of 31 bytes.
-adduser username%path%password
Specifies the name, path, and password of a new Launcher user to add to the configuration file. The values are delimited by the percentage symbol (%).
The ID that the Launcher uses to connect to the HTTP listener. The user name is a maximum of 31 alphabetic or numeric characters. A user name can have more than one path, and each username%path combination represents a unique Launcher user.
The URI where the Launcher user account is to be created. The path is a maximum of 127 bytes.
The password for the Launcher user ID. The password is a maximum of 31 alphabetic or numeric characters.
-deluser username%path
Specifies the name and path of a Launcher user to remove from the configuration file. The values are delimited by the percentage symbol (%). The name and password are a maximum of 31 bytes.
Specifies the HTTP Listener trace file name and enables tracing, or disables HTTP Listener tracing.
-verbose file_name
Specifies the HTTP Listener log file name and enables logging of HTTP Listener socket activity, or disables logging of HTTP Listener socket activity.
-audit file_name
Specifies the HTTP Listener audit file name and enables auditing of HTTP client requests and connections, or disables auditing of HTTP client requests and connections.
Runs the httplsnr command without returning any output to the console.