What's new in V10.1.1
This is what's new in this version of IBM Sterling Transformation Extender:
- Google Cloud Storage Adapter: The Google Cloud Storage Adapter provides access to buckets and objects in the Google Cloud Storage service in Google Cloud.
- Google Cloud Pub/Sub Adapter: The Google Cloud Pub/Sub Adapter provides access to topics and subscriptions in the Google Cloud Pub/Sub service in Google Cloud.
- Azure Service Bus Adapter: Enhanced to support Pub/Sub mode functionality.
- OData Adapter: Added support for OData version V2 along with OData version V4.
- Excel Adapter: Enhanced to return the names of all worksheets, ability to return worksheet data to the map based on index in the Excel workbook.
- SOAP Adapter: Provides discovery mechanism for Design Server to generate a schema for a SOAP operation defined in WSDL file.
- Amazon SQS Adapter: Listener support has been added to poll the selected queue from Amazon SQS and retrieves the messages as and when it arrives to the SQS queue.
- JMS Adapter: Dependent jars activemq-all-5.16.2.jar and log4j-1.2.17.jar have been added within the dtx.ini file.
- The following adapters are now supported in Design Server
- Oracle AQ Adapter
- HL7 MLLP Adapter
- Sterling Adapter
Design Server
Sterling B2B Integrator
Sterling B2B Integrator functions are available for you to use from the Design Server. Transformation Extender maps can now be deployed to Sterling B2B Integrator map repository, and maps can be test run on Sterling B2B Integrator from Design Server.
The Auto-mapper in Map Designer automatically maps between input and output fields in the Map Designer with a new interactive user interface. The Auto-mapper algorithmically calculates the best mappings and presents these to the user. This feature significantly accelerates map development by eliminating many manual steps.
Service Builder
- Separation of services and endpoints to facilitate improved sorting and searching.
- Functionality to support composite endpoints.
- Clickable breadcrumbs are enabled for easier navigation within the Service Builder.
- Added the ability to use service definitions from maps and actions.
Type property propagation for Items
Schema Designer now allows propagation of Item type properties to its sub-types in the schema. Restrictions defined for an Item type can also be propagated now to all its sub-types.
Search functionality within a map
The search functionality in the Map designer allows to search for a specific text within all map rules in a current executable map and all its corresponding functional maps.
Rename a functional map
The functional map of an executable map can now be renamed. References to functional map in the map rules, and user interface elements are updated to reflect the new name specified for functional map.
Where Used feature extensions
Where Used allows a user to select the component where the subject component is used and go directly to it in the designer. Where Used feature has now been extended to Maps, Flows, Connections and, Actions besides Schemas in the Design Server.
Flow Nodes
- JSON Read: Parses incoming JSON, and assign flow variables, or cache variables, to values of fields within JSON.
- JSON Transform: Transforms incoming JSON to an output JSON specification.
- Request: Supports interactions that send a request to a resource and receive a response.
- Clone: Clones incoming data to multiple outputs.
- Cache read: Reads key/value pairs from the global cache, or from the flow variables.
- Cache write: Writes key/value pairs to the global cache, or to the flow variables based on the scope property.
- Source node and Target node: These nodes let you begin with a map, add inputs and outputs, and then configure these to access adapters. If desired, you can create connections in the process.
- Passthrough: A placeholder node that simply propogates input data.
- Updates have been made to settings on these nodes:
- Decision
- Route
Enhanced Endpoint Definition
The ability to define schemas, examples and content type for flow terminals has been added. The Swagger generated for endpoints deployed with these details is now enhanced to display the schema, the example and correctly assign the content type for the request or response data.
Events and Logging
Map and map node events
Map events include execution details, such as map name, elapsed execution time, start and stop information, adapter return codes and Error details.
Flow Execution Logging and Audit
The flow execution tracing is consolidated in a single-trace. Adapter logging is available in the node's section of the flow audit.
Mapping Functions
Regular expression functions
- REGEXMATCH: Tests whether a piece of text matches the regular expression.
- REGEXPARSE: Breaks a text based on regular expression into its capture groups, delimiting them using the provided delimiter.
- REGEXPOSITION: Returns the first position of a match of the regular expression in the text.
- REGEXREPLACE: Replaces the first occurrence of the regular expression with the replacement text in the input text.
- REGEXREPLACEALL: Replaces all occurrences of the regular expression with the replacement text in the input text.
Cache functions
- CACHEREAD: Reads the value associated to a cache variable from the cache.
- CACHEWRITE: Sets a new or updates an existing cache variable in the cache.
- CACHEDELETE: Deletes a cache variable from the cache.
JSON native schema updates
JSON native schema updates for Restart and Package functionality have been added for better handling of virtual and real fields in the JSON data.
Installation of Design Server, Runtime Server and Event Reporter on Windows platform is now simplified using a new Runtime & Monitoring installer. Runtime & Monitoring installer presents configuration panels to setup and install REST API Runtime Server and Design Server, manual steps used to perform installation is no longer required with new installer.