Schema analysis logic error messages
The following table lists the logic error messages that result from a logical analysis of a schema:
- Return Code
- Message
- L100
- COMPONENT neither inherited nor local: `type
name' of TYPE: `type name'
Hint: Look at the super-type's component list. The component is a valid type, but the supertype has a component list that restricts you from using this type as a component. You may have added subtype components before adding supertype components. Either remove all supertype components or add the components in error to the component list of the supertype.
- L101
- This GROUP must have at least one component - TYPE: `type
Hint: If you want to map this group, add components. If you do not want to map it, make it a category.
- L102
- Circular reference found in COMPONENT # (`type
name') - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: Look at the type of the component in error. It is probably missing an initiator or terminator.
- L103
- Circular reference found in Floating Component
type - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: Look at the floating component type in error. It is probably missing an initiator or terminator.
- L104
- DELIMITER for TYPE - `type name' must have
a value
Hint: All delimited groups need a delimiter. Edit delimited group properties to insert the missing delimiter.
- L105
- DELIMITER type neither inherited nor local - TYPE: `type
Hint: The delimiter name has been entered incorrectly. It should be the name of a local type, or the name of an inherited delimiter, or the name of a type in the sub-tree of the inherited delimiter.
- L106
- Default DELIMITER not specified - TYPE: `type
Hint: This Type was specified with a FIND option for its delimiter. Please add a default value to define what to use for building outputs.
- L107
- Default DELIMITER not in restriction list - TYPE: `type
Hint: This delimiter was specified as a syntax item. Add the default value to the restriction list for that syntax item.
- L108
- DELIMITER type is not a SYNTAX ITEM - TYPE: `type
Hint: Delimiters specified as an item must be specified to be interpreted as SYNTAX to set the value of the delimiter if it appears as a component in a data stream.
- L109
- DELIMITER type has no restriction list - TYPE: `type
Hint: All syntax items need a restriction list.
- L110
- RELEASE CHARACTER neither inherited nor local -
TYPE: `type name'
Hint: The release character name has been entered incorrectly. It should be either the name of a local type, the name of an inherited release character, or the name of a type in the sub-tree of the inherited release character.
- L111
- Default RELEASE CHARACTER not specified - TYPE: `type
Hint: This Type was specified with a syntax item for its release character. Please add a default value to define a value for the release character that has not been encountered in the data.
- L112
- Default RELEASE CHARACTER not in restriction list
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This Type was specified with a syntax item for its release character. Please add the default value to the restriction list of that syntax item.
- L113
Hint: Release characters specified as an item must be specified to be interpreted as SYNTAX to set the value of the release character if it appears as a component in a data stream.
- L114
- RELEASE CHARACTER type has no restriction list
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: All syntax items need a restriction list.
- L115
- Floating Component TYPE neither inherited nor local
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: The floating component name has been entered incorrectly. It should be either the name of a local type, the name of an inherited floating component, or the name of a type in the sub-tree of the inherited floating component.
- L116
- INITIATOR type neither inherited nor local - TYPE:
`type name'
Hint: The initiator name has been entered incorrectly. It should be either the name of a local type, the name of an inherited initiator, or the name of a type in the sub-tree of the inherited initiator.
- L117
- Default INITIATOR not specified - TYPE: `type
Hint: This Type was specified with a syntax item for its initiator. Add a default value to define a value for that initiator has not been encountered in the data.
- L118
- Default INITIATOR not in restriction list - TYPE: `type
Hint: This Type was specified with a syntax item for its initiator. Add the default value to the restriction list of that syntax item.
- L119
- INITIATOR type is not a SYNTAX ITEM - TYPE: `type
Hint: Initiators specified as an item must be specified to be interpreted as SYNTAX to set the value of the initiator if it appears as a component in a data stream.
- L120
- INITIATOR type has no restriction list - TYPE: `type
Hint: All syntax items need a restriction list.
- L121
- TERMINATOR type neither inherited nor local - TYPE: `type
Hint: The terminator name has been entered incorrectly. It should be either the name of a local type, the name of an inherited terminator, or the name of a type in the sub-tree of the inherited terminator.
- L122
- Default TERMINATOR not specified - TYPE: `type
Hint: This Type was specified with a syntax item for its terminator. Add a default value to define a value for that terminator has not been encountered in the data.
- L123
- Default TERMINATOR not in restriction list - TYPE: `type
Hint: This Type was specified with a syntax item for its terminator. Please add the default value to the restriction list of that syntax item.
- L124
- TERMINATOR type is not a SYNTAX ITEM - TYPE: `type
Hint: Terminators specified as an item must be specified to be interpreted as SYNTAX to set the value of the terminator if it appears as a component in a data stream.
- L125
- TERMINATOR type has no restriction list - TYPE: `type
Hint: All syntax items need a restriction list.
- L126
- COMPONENT range minimum (#) greater than range
maximum (#) - COMPONENT `type name' - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: The minimum range must be less than or equal to the maximum range.
- L127
- COMPONENT range minimum (#) less than inherited
range minimum(#) - COMPONENT `type name' - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: The component in error has been inherited. Look at the range of the component with the same name in the super-type's component list.
- L128
- COMPONENT range maximum (#) greater than inherited
range maximum(#) - COMPONENT `type name' - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: The component in error has been inherited. Look at the range of the component with the same name in the super-type's component list.
- L129
- COMPONENT RULE references a COMPONENT later in
the component list - `type name' - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: Move the component rule to the component later in the list.
- L130
- COMPONENT RULE references undefined type - COMPONENT
# of TYPE: `type name'
Hint: Verify the spelling of the data object name. The rule should reference a data object name of the component or a data object name of a component earlier in the component list.
- L131
- COMPONENT RULE references components of a partitioned group - COMPONENT # of TYPE type name
- L132
- Invalid partitioning: TYPE has no SUBTYPES - TYPE: `type
Hint: Remove the partitioned option from the class window or add sub-types to the Type in error.
- L133
- Type of COMPONENT exists, but its relative name
is not valid: `type name' in TYPE: `type name'
Hint: To get the correct relative name, drag the type you want to use as a component and drop it in the component list of the Type. (Remember to delete the invalid component!)
- L134
- Reference to `ANY' not allowed: COMPONENT number
# of TYPE: `type name'
Hint: In this case, the Type in error is a group and it is not the root of a partitioned tree. ANY cannot be used if that component needs to be validated. So, if that group is partitioned, you cannot use ANY for a component up to and including the identifier (if there is one). If that group is not partitioned, you cannot use ANY at all.
- L135
- COMPONENT number # cannot reference a CATEGORY
in TYPE: `type name' (because group is not partitioned)
Hint: In this case, the Type in error is a group and it's not the root of a partitioned tree. A category cannot be used if the component must be validated. So, if that group is partitioned, you cannot use a category for a component up to and including the identifier (if there is one). If that group is not partitioned, you cannot use a category as a component at all.
- L136
- COMPONENT `type name' occurs more than once
in list - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: Each component in the same component list must have a unique type name. Try to make sub-types of the type name in error and replace each non-unique component with one of the new sub-types.
- L137
- COMPONENT `type name' and its super-type
cannot be in same COMPONENT LIST (in TYPE: `type name')
Hint: Try making another sub-type of the super-type and replace the super-type reference with the new sub-type.
- L138
- COMPONENT `type name' is same type as delimiter
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: A component and a delimiter cannot have the same name. You may need to add sub-types to the type name used in error to resolve this one.
- L139
- COMPONENT `type name' is sub-type of delimiter
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify a delimiter. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the delimiter name with the new sub-type name.
- L140
- COMPONENT `type name' is super-type of delimiter
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify a delimiter. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the component name with the new sub-type name.
- L141
- COMPONENT `type name' is same type as initiator
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: A component and an initiator cannot have the same name. You can add sub-types to the type name used in error and replace both the component name and the initiator name.
- L142
- COMPONENT `type name' is sub-type of initiator
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify an initiator. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the initiator name with the new sub-type name.
- L143
- COMPONENT `type name' is super-type of initiator
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify an initiator. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the component name with the new sub-type name.
- L144
- COMPONENT `type name' is same type as terminator
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: A component and a terminator cannot have the same name. Try adding sub-types to the type name used in error and replace both the component name and terminator name with one of the new sub-types.
- L145
- COMPONENT `type name' is sub-type of terminator
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify a terminator. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the terminator name with the new sub-type name.
- L146
- COMPONENT `type name' is super-type of terminator
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify a terminator. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the component name with the new sub-type name.
- L147
- COMPONENT `type name' is same type as Floating
Component - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: Make both the floating component name and the component name sub-types of the floating component.
- L148
- COMPONENT `type name' is sub-type of Floating
Component - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: Make both the floating component name and the component name sub-types of the floating component.
- L149
- COMPONENT `type name' is super-type of Floating
Component - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: Make both the floating component name and the component name sub-types of the floating component.
- L150
- COMPONENT `type name' is same type as release
character - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify a release character. You can add sub-types to the syntax item and replace both the component name and the release character name with the new sub-type names.
- L151
- COMPONENT `type name' is sub-type of release
character - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify a release character. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the release character name with the new sub-type name.
- L152
- COMPONENT `type name' is super-type of release
character - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify a release character. You can add sub-types to the syntax item and replace the component name with the new sub-type name.
- L153
- DELIMITER `type name' is same type as initiator
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: A delimiter and an initiator cannot have the same name. You may need to add sub-types to the type name used in error and replace both the delimiter and initiator names to refer to the new sub-types.
- L154
- DELIMITER `type name' is sub-type of initiator
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both an initiator and a delimiter. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the initiator name with the new sub-type name.
- L155
- DELIMITER `type name' is super-type of initiator
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both an initiator and a delimiter. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the delimiter name with the new sub-type name.
- L156
- DELIMITER `type name' is same type as terminator
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: A delimiter and a terminator cannot have the same name. You may need to add sub-types to the type name used in error and replace both the delimiter and terminator names to refer to the new sub-types.
- L157
- DELIMITER `type name' is sub-type of terminator
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both a delimiter and a terminator. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the terminator name with the new sub-type name.
- L158
- DELIMITER `type name' is super-type of terminator
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both a delimiter and a terminator. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the delimiter name with the new sub-type name.
- L159
- DELIMITER `type name' is same type as release
character - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: A delimiter and a release character cannot have the same name. You may need to add sub-types to the type name used in error and replace both the delimiter and release character names to refer to the new sub-types.
- L160
- DELIMITER `type name' is sub-type of release
character - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both a delimiter and a release character. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the release character name with the new sub-type name.
- L161
- DELIMITER `type name' is super-type of release
character - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both a delimiter and a release character. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the delimiter name with the new sub-type name.
- L162
- DELIMITER `type name' is same type as Floating
Component - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: A delimiter and a floating component cannot have the same name. Try adding sub-types to the type name used in error and replace both the delimiter and floating component names to refer to the new sub-types.
- L163
- DELIMITER `type name' is sub-type of Floating
Component - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both a delimiter and a floating component. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the floating component name with the new sub-type name.
- L164
- DELIMITER `type name' is super-type of Floating
Component - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both a delimiter and a floating component. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the delimiter name with the new sub-type name.
- L165
- INITIATOR `type name' is same type as terminator
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: An initiator and a terminator cannot have the same name. You may need to add sub-types to the type name used in error and replace both the initiator and terminator names to refer to the new sub-types.
- L166
- INITIATOR `type name' is sub-type of terminator
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both an initiator and a terminator. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the terminator name with the new sub-type name.
- L167
- INITIATOR `type name' is super-type of terminator
- TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both an initiator and a terminator. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the initiator name with the new sub-type name.
- L168
- INITIATOR `type name' is same type as release
character - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both an initiator and a release character. You can add sub-types to the syntax item and replace both the initiator name and the release character name with a new sub-type name.
- L169
- INITIATOR `type name' is sub-type of release
character - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both an initiator and a release character. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the release character name with the new sub-type name.
- L170
- INITIATOR `type name' is super-type of release
character - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both an initiator and a release character. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the initiator name with the new sub-type name.
- L171
- INITIATOR `type name' is same type as Floating
Component - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: An initiator and a floating component cannot have the same name. Try adding sub-types to the type name used in error and replace both the initiator and floating component names with the new sub-types.
- L172
- INITIATOR `type name' is sub-type of Floating
Component - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both an initiator and a floating component. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the floating component name with the new sub-type name.
- L173
- INITIATOR `type name' is super-type of Floating
Component - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both an initiator and a floating component. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the initiator name with the new sub-type name.
- L174
- TERMINATOR `type name' is same type as release
character - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: A terminator and a release character cannot have the same name. You may need to add sub-types to the type name used in error and replace both the terminator and release character names with the new sub-types.
- L175
- TERMINATOR `type name' is sub-type of release
character - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both a terminator and a release character. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the release character name with the new sub-type name.
- L176
- TERMINATOR `type name' is super-type of
release character - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both a terminator and a release character. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the terminator name with the new sub-type name.
- L177
- TERMINATOR `type name' is same type as Floating
Component - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: A terminator and a floating component cannot have the same name. You may need to add sub-types to the type name used in error and replace both the terminator and floating component names with the new sub-types.
- L178
- TERMINATOR `type name' is sub-type of Floating
Component - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both a terminator and a floating component. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the floating component name with the new sub-type name.
- L179
- TERMINATOR `type name' is super-type of
Floating Component - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both a terminator and a floating component. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the terminator name with the new sub-type name.
- L180
- RELEASE CHARACTER `type name' is same type
as Floating Component - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: A release character and a floating component cannot have the same name. You may need to add sub-types to the type name used in error and replace both the release character and floating component names to refer to the new sub-types.
- L181
- RELEASE CHARACTER `type name' is sub-type
of Floating Component - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both a release character and a floating component. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the floating component name with the new sub-type name.
- L182
- RELEASE CHARACTER `type name' is super-type
of Floating Component - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This occurs when a syntax item is used to specify both a release character and a floating component. You can add another sub-type to the syntax item and replace the release character name with the new sub-type name.
- L183
- COMPONENT NAME ambiguous: `type name' in
TYPE: `type name'
Hint: This type has a component whose relative name can be associated with more than one type in the schema. Rename the conflicting types.
- L184
- RESTRICTION longer than max TYPE size - RESTRICTION
# of TYPE: `type name'
Hint: The Type in error is an item. Either change the maximum size of the item or remove the restriction.
- L185
- RESTRICTION used in an earlier partition - RESTRICTION
# of TYPE: `type name'
Hint: Item Partitions must have mutually exclusive restrictions. Remove the restriction from one of the partition restriction lists.
- L186
- Type of COMPONENT does not exist - `type name' in
TYPE: `type name'
Hint: You probably entered an incorrect type name. Try the drag and drop approach to get the correct one.
- L187
- TYPE must be partitioned (since in a partitioned
tree and has sub-types) - TYPE: `type name'
Hint: All types in a partitioned sub-type must have mutually exclusive data objects. Set the partitioned property for the type in error.
- L188
- TYPE is FIXED, COMPONENT # must have a maximum range value - TYPE type name
- L189
- TYPE is FIXED, but COMPONENT # is not fixed - TYPE: `type
Hint: If the component is not intended to be fixed in size, change the group format for the Type to implicit. If the group format is intended to be fixed, check the component: if that component is an item, make sure it has a Padded To length; if that component is a group, change its type to be of fixed syntax.
- L190
- BINARY text ITEM used as COMPONENT neither FIXED
nor SIZED - COMPONENT # of TYPE: `type name'
Hint: The size of a binary text item must either have a Padded To length or it must be sized by the previous component.
- L191
- COMPONENT with SIZED attribute is not an UNSIGNED
Hint: A component used to size the component that follows it must be defined as an unsigned integer item type.
- L192
- The last COMPONENT in the COMPONENT LIST may not
have a SIZED attribute: TYPE: `type name'
Hint: Specify a component to follow the one with the sized attribute.
- L193
- Range of COMPONENT # must have a maximum value
to indicate how many placeholders are needed for its series in TYPE:
`type name'.
Hint: Change the range maximum to a specific value (not "s") if you may re-define the data this way.
- L194
- Cannot distinguish delimiter from terminator in
TYPE: `type name'.
Hint: Make the range of the last component in the type fixed or make the delimiter of the type different from its terminator.
- L195
- Cannot distinguish delimiter contained in COMPONENT
# from terminator of TYPE: `type name'.
Hint: Make that component bound or make that contained delimiter different from the type terminator.
- L196
- Cannot distinguish delimiter of COMPONENT # from
delimiter of TYPE: type name because COMPONENT
# has no placeholder.
Hint: Make that component bound or make that component's delimiter different from the type delimiter.
- L197
- Cannot distinguish delimiter of COMPONENT # from
delimiter of TYPE: type name because COMPONENT
# has no range maximum.
Hint: Make that component bound, or make that component's delimiter different from the type delimiter, or specify a range maximum that has a specific value (not "s") for the last component of COMPONENT #.
- L198
- Cannot distinguish delimiter contained in COMPONENT
# from delimiter of TYPE: `type name'.
Hint: Make that contained component bound or make that contained component's delimiter different from the type delimiter.
- L200
- Cannot distinguish delimiter contained in COMPONENT
# from delimiter of TYPE: `type name'.
Hint: Either make that contained component bound, make that contained component's delimiter different from the type delimiter, or specify a range maximum that has a specific value (not "s") for the last component of the contained component.