Message Manager

The IBM Sterling Transformation Extender Message Manager is a predefined system of maps specifically designed to process electronic commerce data. The maps are used to validate and route data. The Message Manager is the runtime component of the Trading Manager.

Electronic commerce data flows from external sources to internal destinations, from internal sources to external destinations, and possibly to other internal organizations. The Trading Manager manages this flow and the tracking of e-commerce data.

The Message Manager supports two distinct data flows: inbound and outbound. The inbound data flow typically represents the receipt of data in EDI or proprietary format from an external trading partner. The outbound data flow typically represents the retrieval of data from an internal application system in its native format for subsequent conversion and routing to an external trading partner.

The information from the Partner Manager is shared with the Message Manager for the validation, tracking, and routing of e-commerce data. Information about this e-commerce activity is then incorporated into the Partner Manager database for monitoring and reporting.

Trading Manager can be used for internal/external, external/external, and internal/internal trading scenarios.

For more information about the Message Manager, see the Trading Manager documentation.