Unordered group components
An unordered group has one or more components that can appear in the data stream in ay order. They allow many SWIFT and FIX message types, for example, to be defined in a more natural way.
Unordered groups have no partitioned property. They have Implicit format properties with the same syntax options as sequence groups: None and Delimited.
When a group is defined as Unordered, any component can appear in the data stream. A component can be an item or a group.
Unordered group components have a range property. For example, if the unordered group, A, has the following component list:
then A must have one C, at least one B, and possibly some Ds. They could appear in any order. For example, data for A could have the pattern: CDDBDDD or BBBDDCBD.
Component rules of an unordered group cannot reference other components of the same group. They can only reference the component to which the rule refers and the objects contained in that component.