The HTTP(S) URL adapter command (-URL) is required for connection. Specify the URL to connect to the HTTP(S) server. You must specify a file name for the file to be transferred.

-URL {HTTP|HTTPS}://[user[:pass]@][host[:port]][/dir[/file]]
The HTTP application protocol
The HTTPS application protocol
Note: This option is only available if you have the Security Option installed.
Specify the user name to connect to the HTTP(S) server. Unless you are also specifying a password, this must be followed by @ if you specify host.
: pass
Specify the password that authenticates the user name. This parameter must be followed by @ if you are also specifying host.
The HTTP(S) server name or address
: port
The HTTP(S) server port name or number
The directory path for the file
The file that the HTTP Adapter retrieves
Note: The user and pass arguments extend what is supported by the RFC for a URL path.

The URL does not need to be completely `URL-encoded'. You only need to use escape characters for tokens specifically used in a URL, as shown in the following table.

Replaced with
% (percent)
@ (at)
/ (forward slash)
: (colon)
; (semicolon)
& (ampersand)
Escape not needed, use as is
# (pound)
Escape not needed, use as is
8-bit or control characters
Escape not needed, use as is

Any URL that contains spaces must be enclosed in quotes. For example,

-URL HTTP://Home Machine/HTTP Fil