When the COBOL Copybook Importer is unsuccessful in importing a COBOL copybook file, the wizard displays an error message with the details about the import operation.
Before you run the COBOL Copybook Importer, make sure that the COBOL copybook is syntactically correct. The COBOL Copybook Importer does a preprocessing compiling step before it begins the type tree generation step. This preprocessing step checks that the copybook is set up using correct COBOL syntax. If the COBOL copybook is not syntactically correct, the import operation stops running and displays an error message.
Make sure that the file extension support option is correctly selected in the COBOL Preferences page for the file type. The option must correctly reflect the contents of the copybook file. As an example, the default file extension support option in the COBOL Preferences page for the .cob file extension is Full program. A COBOL copybook file with the .cob extension must contain a complete COBOL program for the importer operation to successfully process it and generate the type tree.
If the data type is G for graphic, or N for national, be sure to set the locale correctly in the COBOL Preferences page. Otherwise, the import operation cannot generate the type tree and returns an error message.
Correct the problems in the COBOL copybook file that the importer detects, and reimport the file.